
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Totally inspired

Okay my husband is going to take away my laptop. I have been looking at blog after blog. I am officially addicted. I have about a million ideas floating around in my head, and I think he is terrified that I may try to do them all. HeeHee. Shh don't tell him, BUT I am totally inspired and can't wait to get going, so stay tuned. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Row Row Row your camper

Camping in the middle of April in Texas seemed safe enough. Little did we know that there would be rain. Not just rain I am talking epic rain. We spent a lot of time stuck in the camper wishing we could go outside. We eventually all moved out to the picnic table under the awning. I think I found the definition of bored. I started to take picture of the rain hitting the ground. The results were actually pretty cool though.

Since I grew up in the desert I know better than to complain too much about rain. So I guess I will say thank you Lord for the beautiful April Showers. :)