I have been having so much fun with all the great ideas on everyones blog lately. I even came up with a few of my own. Having all boys it's hard to make things for Valentine's that aren't... GiRlY... eeeewwww I said it. LOL I did insist on a few girly things, but check out Holden's mailbox. He was thrilled with it and there is no pink to be found. Enjoy!

Sam had fun sorting out the broken or messed up ones. Mostly because he could eat them. :)
How about a little Longhorn love???
This box was fun to make. I found it at Hobby Lobby and let Holden paint it white. Then I cut out the phrases and images in vinyl on my cricut. It was rather simple but he was thrilled with how it turned out.
This box was fun to make. I found it at Hobby Lobby and let Holden paint it white. Then I cut out the phrases and images in vinyl on my cricut. It was rather simple but he was thrilled with how it turned out.